
My new YouTube video uploaded

Raiganj celebrates the 68th Republic day at Raiganj Stadium with fireworks. Every year we get a gift from Uttar dinajpur district administration i.e, the fireworks show at Stadium ground. This year i am so lucky to capture that incredible moment. But i think that it's not good that only i m lucky man who watching that i want to watch whole world that we indians how much enjoying in Republic day and how we celebrate. Thanks to uttar dinajpur district administration to give a such a wonderful gift. Happy Republic day and wish you all to have a nice day. Thank you very much & please watch this video and subscribe my channel. Youtube video link.

Change blog name

Always we are not deciding a right decision to solve something. Today also i feel like that. When i wake at morning and open my blog then i don't know why suddenly uncomfortable with my blog name. Actually, there behind a reason that is recently i change my YouTube channel name to ABOL TABOL. And that's why i think that i wanna change my blog name also. And also subdomain. Friends have a nice day. And watching my blog as usual. Thank you very much.

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A blog where you can find everything. Your hidden assistant is here. Anytime anywhere you could help from here.                                                                                                 If you need help by videos then plz go our youtube who can help lot of much. Here my YouTube channel  CLIPS CLUB  plz subscribe for more possible help by me. Plz plz subscribe and get you update everything.

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